Your All-in-One Solution for Handyman Services

Streamline Communication, Manage Teams, Delight Customers, and Get Paid Faster.

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The Handyman's Struggles

While tackling repairs can be tough, dealing with people adds a whole new layer of challenges.
Here are some of the real-life struggles our handymen face on a daily basis:



Managing numerous appointments and schedules can be a logistical nightmare, leading to double-bookings, missed appointments, and frustrated customers



Coordinating with your team on the field can be challenging. Ensuring everyone knows their tasks and schedules can result in communication gaps and errors.



Providing top-notch customer service is vital, but without the right tools, keeping track of customer preferences, feedback, and service history can be overwhelming.



Getting paid on time is crucial for the financial health of your handyman business. Manual invoicing and payment tracking often lead to delays

How BizBaby Can Help

BizBaby provides you with a comprehensive platform to tackle these challenges head-on. With our suite of tools and features, you can streamline every aspect of your handyman business.

  • Client Management (CRM)
  • Call & Message Center
  • Order and Payment Subscriptions
See All Features

Client Management

Ready to take your business operations to the next level? Our Client Management (CRM) can do just that! Our user-friendly CRM tool is designed to simplify client management, helping you organize data, track interactions, and deliver personalized service. From now on, you don’t have to worry about building and nurturing strong relationships with your customers.

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Call & Message Center

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful handyman business. That's where our Call & Message Center comes in. This feature empowers you to manage your conversations with clients and team members seamlessly.

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Order and Payment Subscriptions

Managing invoices and payments can be a hassle for handymen. But with BizBaby's Appointment and Payment Subscriptions, it doesn't have to be. This feature streamlines your financial processes and ensures you get paid on time.

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Frequently asked questions

From product inquiries to account assistance, we've curated an FAQ for you
to help you along the way.

Explore Our Go-To Handyman Resources

We curated the essentials just for you! Read through our curated tips, tricks, and other resources,
tailored to help you manage your handyman business effectively.

Effective Team Coordination: A Handyman's Secret to Success

November 4, 2023

Do you find it difficult to keep your handyman crew on the same page? Explore how real-time team coordination tools can improve your workforce management, boost productivity, and ensure your handyman crew works seamlessly to meet customer demands.

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Using Analytics for Handyman Business Growth

November 4, 2023

Are you making decisions in the dark, hoping for the best? It's a common struggle, but how can you improve the situation? Learn how detailed analytics and reporting can shed light on your business's performance, helping you identify trends and make informed choices for growth.

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Customizing BizBaby for Your Unique Handyman Needs

November 4, 2023

One-size-fits-all solutions not working for your business? That's frustrating, but how can you improve the situation? Uncover how BizBaby's flexibility and customization options allow you to tailor the platform to meet your specific handyman business requirements, ultimately enhancing workflow efficiency.

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See All Resources

Try BizBaby for Free!

Ready to transform your Handyman business? Discover how today!