Recurring payments and appointment subscriptions

Allow customers to appointment from you on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Or setup recurring payments based on the agreement.

First 3 months free. No card required!

Simplify Workload

Service Subscriptions

Membership Discounts

Give customers special pricing based on the subscription membership they have. The more often they appointment, the bigger the discount. Or not... It’s totally up to you.

Upcharges and Bonuses

Just like special discounts, you can instead choose to upcharge customers for the special features or add-ons.

Optimize Productivity

Recurring Payments

Simplify Servicing

This is a great feature when you sign a contract for servicing homes or businesses on a monthly fixed cost, and provide contractually agreed service different for each season or demands.

No cost appointments

If you choose to create recurring payment agreements, you will want to also create service appointments that don’t require a payment.

Frequently asked questions

From product inquiries to account assistance, we've curated an FAQ for you to help you along the way.