Weekly Payroll & Assign Tasks

You’ve heard it correctly. You can assign one time or recurring tasks to every worker and calculate payroll all in Biz Baby.

First 3 months free. No card required!

Simplify Workload

Weekly Payroll

Hourly Wage

For those businesses that hire hourly workers. Allow workers to clock in and out at work and Biz Baby will calculate total weekly pay based on the hours worked.

Salary Employees

Set weekly base salary for your employees and add bonuses or deductions based on week to week performance.

Optimize Productivity


One time and done

Set one time tasks to specific team members, they will receive notifications on the deadlines approaching or tasks that are overdue.

Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly

Create recurring tasks that workers have to do regularly. Never miss a single deadline or performance check again.

Frequently asked questions

From product inquiries to account assistance, we've curated an FAQ for you to help you along the way.